Written and Directed by Philip J. Cook
Produced by Philip J. Cook and Mark Hyde

Philip J. Cook – multi-award winning writer, director, and producer. Creator of the fantasy adventure series, The Malice Trilogy, and most recently, Pungo: A Witch’s Tale, an imaginative take on Grace Sherwood, the Witch of Pungo.

George Stone (Mark Hyde), retired military turned bodyguard. Joined by his brother and sister, he commands the spaceship Galumpkis in search of ancient alien artifacts and technology.

Max Stone (Joe Mayes), the youngest of the three siblings. He’s wandering through life and eager to claim the reward that alien technology could bring.

Julia Stone (Claudia Troy), a volatile combination of buttoned-up suit and wild child. Yet a steady voice of reason as she joins with her brothers to find alien treasure.

Trudy (Georgia Anastasia), a resourceful addition to the Galumpkis crew. She desperately wants the freedom and security that wealth from alien technology could give her.

Naiad (Julie Kashmanian), lonely, innocent. She does what she must to survive.

Captain Hancock (Tennyson Harris), a mercenary spaceship captain, a true professional.